support for you

Just Got Home

We support in-patients at Lymington NF Hospital with the transition back home through our Just Got Home service.

We meet patients and their families on the wards and follow up with a home visit.  Together, we identify what someone might need to be better supported to maintain, or increase, Independence, Safety and Quality of Life and help to put those things in place.

This is a FREE service supported with funding from New Forest District Council.

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Disabled Facilities Grants

Independence Matters service

We can provide advice on home adaptations and eligibility for grants and kick-start the application process for you.

Whatever it is you need to make access easier and safer we can advise you through our Independence Matters service – please get in touch and one of our friendly Independence Advisers will be happy to talk things through with you.

We can also advise on loans for essential work such as roof and window repairs or broken boiler.

These are both FREE services supported with funding from New Forest District Council.

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Pop Up Advice Service

We provide regular information & Advice sessions in community venues across the New Forest – take a look at our Pop Up Advice locations and dates.  No appointment necessary.  Come along and get the answers you need.  No question too big or too small.    This is a FREE service.

We also attend a variety of fetes and other events during the year.  Look out for the New Forest Disability green and yellow gazebo.

our gazebo at a fete