There are many ways you can support us - by entering our lottery, sending us a cheque or now by using our online donation portal at CAF Donate, which includes an option to add Gift Aid to your donation.
If you are a taxpayer who is donating by adding Gift Aid, you enable us to reclaim an additional 25% from the taxman. Online donations automatically offer this option, or if you are paying by cheque you can fill in our printable Gift Aid form
You can also help us by donating in other ways
Recycle 4 Charity
Recycle used inkjet cartridges and raise funds for us, whilst saving them going into landfill!
Ask for a freepost envelope, or drop them to our office (or at an event/outreach - see our events listings)
Donate lightly used mobility equipment and living aids
Do you shop on Amazon?
By signing up to Smile Amazon, at no cost to you, a donation is given to us each time you shop.
Sign up once, shop via the link each time - it could not be easier!
simply go to
no cost to you!
Easy Fundraising - feel good online shopping!
Help us to raise funds when you shop on-line at 300+ stores
no cost to you - just visit
Home collection boxes
We are very grateful to Balmer Lawn Garage for providing our small change collection boxes; ask at our shop or phone/e-mail to have one posted to you.