Celebrating our Volunteers

At our Annual Public Meeting on Wednesday 26 October we celebrated our wonderful volunteers by presenting their long service certificates.  Bronze for 1 month – 4 years; silver 5 – 9 years; gold 10 – 14 years; Platinum 15 – 19 years & Diamond 20 – 25 years.

from L to R:

Callum 5 years. Jane 1 year. Karen 3 months. Lynette 4 years. Heather 10 years. Annie 10 years. Sheila 17 years & Jenny 22 years with Simon – Treasurer, Jacki – Chief Executive, presented by Anne – Vice-Chairman & Reg – Chairman of Trustees.

Unable to attend but received their certificates: Lesley 1 year. Steve 2 years. Nigel 3 years. Nora 5 years. Matt 7 years. Roger 12 years & Barbara 13 years.

Huge congratulations and thanks to these generous people who, along with our brilliant staff Melissa, Mel, Geraldine, Jayne, Natalie Tracey and Margaret, and other Trustees Pam, Penny, David & Philip, work so very hard to help so many people every year.